capture screenshot by keystroke

Shortcut key for screenshot capturing.

You can run Grabilla to take a screenshot from keyboard with some shortcut hotkey combination of your choice.

To make this you must to locate Grabilla’s shortcut in your Start menu. Press right mouse button on Grabilla’s shortcut and select Properties. Select Shortcut tab. Then move your cursor in Shortcut key field and press the key of your choice.
Then press OK and you’re done.

Now you can launch Grabilla by pressing this shortcut on your keyboard.

You can read manual about making shortcut keys at Microsoft’s site (it basically says the same thing as above 🙂.

So download Grabilla now and enjoy simple and fast screen and video capturing and sharing.

Please check other platforms downloads

Download Grabilla Screenshot For Windows Grabilla Screenshot Capture for Android Take screenshot on Mac with Grabilla Grabilla Screenshot for Google Chrome Firefox screenshot capture addon