Good day and good news.

If you ever tried to login into your user history on Grabilla website, you may noticed that two login providers (Facebook and Google+ in top right corner) have separate grabillas history.
Same was applied to desktop application login. So in order to access your history you had to login with the same provider on site and in application.

Now we combined both providers screenshot captures history.

You can login with either Facebook or with Google+ and have all your grabillas history in usual place: My Grabillas. This applies to both website and application. You can be logged with Facebook on site and with Google+ in Grabilla desktop app – and your captures history will be here.

We have used your email as unique ID to combine both accounts. (Technically they was separate till now).

More to say, we planning to add more login providers to Grabilla, like Yahoo, Microsoft Live, Twitter, etc.

Feel free to provide your feedback, we love to hear from you!

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